First blog task

 1) Why did you choose A Level Media Studies?

I decided to choose media A level because i like watching things like films and tiktok and I thought that it would be interesting.

2) Did you take GCSE Media Studies (either here at Greenford or a different school)?

I did not take GCSE Media.

4) What grade do you hope to achieve in A Level Media?

I would love to achieve an A.

5) What are your current thoughts about your next steps after A Levels - university, apprenticeship, work?

I was thinking of going to uni however Mr Lewis has given me the idea of also thinking of an apprenticeship. 

6) What do you think the biggest MEDIA story of 2022 has been and why?

I would probably say covid as it has affected everyone and everything. 

7) What media sources do you use to find out about news and current affairs?

I find things out on tiktok and from friends on snapchat. 

8) What was the last film you watched?

The last movie i watched was day cam.

9) What is your favourite ever TV series?

I love watching hollyoaks and EastEnders daily as I've been watching it at a young age. 

10) How many hours do you spend online in an average day? Is this too little, too much or about right? Why? (If you have an iPhone you can use Screen Time to get an accurate figure of how much you use your phone).

I think my average is around 5 hours a day and this is because of apps like tiktok. 


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